
Uncover how to get in front of prospects for better leads in and more deals out with this helpful guide. We’ll walk through tips and tricks for leveling up your campaigns, real-life use cases, and key industry trends and stats. 

Explore tactics like:

  • Using intent data to delineate B2B buying groups
  • Mapping content to the buyer’s journey
  • Creating strong lead nurturing programs
  • Focusing on ABM campaigns
  • Auditing and iterating   

Turn the page on your demand strategy by downloading your free playbook. 

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Tell me more about Buying Groups

Marketers who report that they use buying groups as a scoring element in their marketing programs also saw more improvement in metrics last year than those who do not.

buying groups chart

Who makes up a buying group?

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These individuals are engaged throughout the buying process. Often they are in mid-level roles and are looking for ways to improve the business with a new solution.

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Popping in and out of the purchase journey, these members help provide expertise and additional research. It’s crucial to use educational materials to engage them at the top of the pipeline, and then stay connected with them during the solution evaluation and selection process.

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Decision Maker

These heads of departments hold onto the budget for the buying group. They will usually come into the journey when it’s time to commit and make the big decisions.

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In a committee purchase scenario, users come from Line of Business (LOB) teams and get involved early in the journey. For single-department scenarios, users are involved in defining requirements and hands-on demos.

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These members sign the checks. They usually just follow the guidance of the buying group and simply need a case study or other confidence-builder at the end of the purchase to agree.

Strategy guides

Don't leave these strategy guides behind. 

In these two eBooks, we will break it down and get real with you on how you can ignite change in your demand generation strategies today, drive revenue and business goals, and feel proud of the work you create.


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